We've Only Just Begun

We've Only Just Begun
More Books Beyond Our Trilogy : We'll Be Filling All These Bookshelves!


Do Dogs Go To Heaven? Part II

Dear Jack, 
You have said that all dogs go to Heaven. You've also said that cats go to Heaven. Can you accept that all animals live in eternal Paradise? What about insects? Moths, butterflies, crickets, dreaded mosquitoes, ticks, fleas? Eeeeeeeek.

Dear May, 

Remember the bible says: "The eyes are the windows to the soul." If it has eyes, it has a soul. That's as clear as any answer could be. 

Most insects have their own form of heaven. If you look at their eyes (like flies and bees also) you cannot see into them. They are not windows. But they have life force and all creatures have an energy that does not die. 

Here at Rainbow Bridge we have a garden here where all the dragonflies and butterflies live. We can go there anytime. We love having them here and that's why we created a special place for them here at Rainbow Bridge. In Heaven, whatever we want we can have. All we need to do it think about it and it comes to us. If we want those other insects around, all we have to do is think about them and they are there if we want them. They exist in another plane, but they exist nonetheless, transformed.

Keep in mind you may think that insects are creepy but each and every being, especially the insects have a purpose for being on the earth. Every single one gives and receives from the ecosystem called "earth." We all have a role, on earth and in Heaven and this is why we can never die.  

I know it's hard to keep believing when people around you who claim to be experts tell you otherwise, but you must believe. The experts who don't believe are not capable of this level of faith and love. You are. 



Dear Jack, 
So they don't evolve, grow spiritually, come back in a different form or have karmic debt? They just ARE?  

Dear May, 

They just are. 
I found it quite amusing one night about nine months after I crossed Rainbow Bridge Kate was sitting in the living room on her computer and a mosquito was flying around her; buzzing and dive bombing her. She wanted to swat it and get rid of it and then she asked herself, "What if it is Jack?"  Then she rationalized it out and figured if I could come back as a mosquito that she could actually help me by swatting me and I could come back as something else. That's not really how it works, but her mind came up with that. This is why she needed me to write the book.  lol.

Please read our previous blogpost for more information on pets going to Heaven. 

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