We've Only Just Begun

We've Only Just Begun
More Books Beyond Our Trilogy : We'll Be Filling All These Bookshelves!


She Was Much Prettier Than Me!!!

Beautiful Grady
We did something very difficult this week. We had Grady put to sleep. It was a huge decision but she has been struggling for the past several years. Towards the end she was SOOOOO restless all the time -- wandering wandering wandering pacing, pacing, panting, standing still now and then saying, "What did I come in here for?" She couldn't hear, she couldn't see, her eyes would run and every time she turned around she be hitting her head on something else or was falling into the rosebeds at the front of the house. 

Best Buddies: Watching our House Being Built
When Kate made the decision on Friday to take her into the vet, she told her in advance.  She told her that we would be going on Tuesday. Kate was very kind and loving. I didn't really understand, but I was paying close attention. We had an absolutely horrendous Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. We all slept on the floor together Monday night and for the first time in many months Grady slept through the whole night, got up in the morning, stood at the door waiting to go out, went out and pee-ed, came in looking for breakfast, ate all of it, played with me and then Kate put in the car to take her over to the vet. It was a near-perfect 24 hours with her. I think it was her final gift to us.

Sweet Grady Makes the Most of her Final Day
Kate had the vet put her to sleep in the back seat of our car which had Grady's bed in it, all nice and comfy, and all of her favorite toys. Sun was streaming in the windows and the fresh air was circulating all around. I was beside her on one side; Kate was on the other. For being so difficult, it was really perfect. 

While she was a beautiful dog, Grady never looked more beautiful than she did when they lifted her out of the car and presented her to us for one final caress. She had had such pain and confusion on her face for so long and her eyes were always so runny and gooped up and when they lifted her out you would think she had just come from the Doggie Salon. She looked pure and clean and perfect, with the wind tossing her hair about. 

We did the right thing. Grady more than earned her way across the Rainbow Bridge simply by being the loving attentive friend that she was to us. We will miss her a lot, but we are "all better" now.


Grady: A Life Well LIved

Where It All Began - The Syracuse Pennysaver
It is only Destiny that makes things happen. Many phone calls, many dogs and puppies interviewed, many ads simply cast aside. This one was the one. It was love at first sight.

Grady was as integrated into our Bradley Street neighborhood as Kate was! It is really because of her that Kate had so many friends. It was because of Grady that Kate ultimately had the courage to move to Arizona. Funny how being loved so unconditionally -- even by a four-legged friend-- can give you the strength you need to meet life's challenges and transitions.

Grady's Final Day
It was a Very Good Life!

Spring, and the land lies fresh green beneath a yellow sun.
We walked the land together, you and I
And never knew what future days would bring.
Will you often think of me
When flowers burst forth each year?
When the earth begins to grow again?
Some say death is so final
But my love for you can never die.
Just as the sun once warmed our hearts
let this love touch you some night
When I am gone and loneliness comes~
Before the dawn begins to scatter your dreams away.
Summer and I never knew a bird
Could sing so sweet and clear
Until they told me I must leave you for awhile
I never knew the sky could be so deep a blue
Until I knew I could not grow old with you
But better to be loved by you
Than to have lived a million summers
And never known your love.
Together, let us, you and I
Remember the days and nights for eternity.
Fall, and as the earth begins to die
And the leaves turn golden-brown upon the trees
Remember me, too, in Autumn, for I will walk with you
As of old, along a city sidewalk at evening-time
Though I cannot hold you by the hand.
Winter, and perhaps someday there may be
Another fireplace another room
With crackling fire and fragrant smoke
And turning, suddenly, we will be together
And I will hear your laughter
And hold you close to me again
But until then, if loneliness should see you out
Some winter night, when snow is falling down
Remember, though death has come to me
My love will never go away.
~Orville Kelly

Blogger Charlotte said...
Oh Kate, How much I know how very hard helping Grady on his way to the Rainbow Bridge was for you. My arms are around you in this time of loss of the wonderful and dear friend that Grady was in your life.
Charlotte McCabe
Buddie's Mom from Flag
April 2, 2009 at 6:54 PM
Blogger kathy kusnierczyk said...
hello my friend grady, this is jake. I am welcoming you to my home with open paws. I have missed you and my friends and family but waited patiently for your arrival. it is time again for us to run, play, steal each others stuffed monkeys and to sit together in the warm light of heaven. together we will watch over and protect our loved ones. this place is wonderful. no pain, no soreness. you will feel like a young pup with all kinds of energy. they treat us well, filled water bowls, lots of toys, soft clouds to sleep on. we even have some super natural powers to see our humans and send them good vibrations to protect them like we did on earth. i am so glad we will be togther. I know you will miss your human as she does you, but in time you will be together again. but for now my dear friend grady its great to be together again......Jake
April 3, 2009 at 6:37 AM