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I am Heart Broken! They Say Pets Don't Go To Heaven

Dear Jack, 
I'm so sorry to bother you but I'm heart broken. I've just been told pets don't go to heaven because they are all liars and deceivers. Your book still hasn't arrived yet and I'm desperate for evidence that this isn't true. 
I Feel Like A Pest 

Dear You Are Not A Pest, 
You are not the first person this morning to ask this question. I have been run over by people who claim to be "religious" and God-fearing, but who do not believe in Heaven. I once shared the post below on a spiritual/"God Oriented" Facebook page and the Admin called me a liar and a sinner. I was awestruck. Taken aback. Me with my pure heart that comes from a deep love and reverence for God? How could they think that about me? They told me that Heaven does not exist. In their bible it is called "paradise".  For them, heaven apparently means something else altogether.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and there are reasons that those with strong opinions have them. Sometimes they have nothing in their lives but the values they live by and cling to. Don't argue with them. It took a long time for those beliefs to take shape and it can take a lifetime to undo them. 

Their lives taught them what to believe in. Such strong beliefs are woven and ingrained into their constitution. Blessed are those who know their own open minds, live from the love in their hearts and do not condemn anyone for their beliefs. It is tragic when someone who tries valiantly to heal the grief over the loss of a pet, is told "Dogs don't go to Heaven!" If someone believes this, fine, but they should not hurt someone else by impressing their opinion onto the one who suffers, thereby making them suffer even more.  Sometimes "religion" causes a great deal of separation between people who would love and honor and respect each other if only they were not labeled and judged and condemned for their innocent beliefs in the name of religion. 

I don't know what "bible" they are reading, but if they would read most versions they would know that Ecclesiastes talks about all animals and creatures going to heaven, afterlife and yes.... paradise.  

St. (that means SAINT) Francis of Assisi (who is most well respected) spent his whole life caring for the animals and helping them across the bridge when it was time to go.  

You will read about all of this in my book. In the meantime, you must be vigilant about your response to someone who is putting their mistaken opinions onto you. Do not take their opinions to heart. Make yourself so strong that you have your own healthy opinion and faith and let no one shake you from it! My book will help you with this too. 

If you have a bible handy, read some Ecclesiastes while you are waiting for me to come into you postal box. 
Thank you for writing today. 


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