Since Oscar has traveled to the Rainbow Bridge, my sweet girl Devin Rose will not leave the side of the litter box except to come and eat and then go right back to this spot. My sweet girl. What can I do for her?
Dear Jolie,
Miss Devin Rose is probably depressed and grieves with you. There are many sensitive animal lovers out there who don't realize that their pets have similar emotions and feelings when they have lost a loved one. While the humans get caught up in their grief, they often don't see that their remaining pets need special attention too. I am so glad you were able to recognize this and that you were paying attention to your little girl's needs amidst your own grief.
This is what I recommend. Go to her. Ask her for permission to lift her out of that space. Pick her up lovingly and take her to a calm, comfortable, nurturing place. Put her in your lap and pet her with all the love you can summon to your hands. Cry with her. Talk to her like you would talk to a very dear friend. Tell her you are sad and that you know that she is sad too, having lost her friend, Oscar. Explain to her that you are learning about healing and that things will get better for both of you.
Tell her whatever is on your mind and in your heart and then ask her to share how she is feeling. Allow quiet time and space for her to "talk" to you. You might even "hear" her if you listen with your heart. It may sound crazy but if this is what she needs (and you may need it too), it should help.
Dear Jack,
Our talk worked!
Look who finally came out! Cuddling with big brother Oliver ♡
Wonderful! Communication is a great tool. Recognize the need and meet it. We're in this together! <3
Thank you Pearl! Yes, we are all two-leggeds and four-leggeds, past, present and future, all in this together. Thank you for the reminder !
we lost our beagle basset yesterday and my boston has been so upset. His name was Buddy. My boston (buggs) was so sad and today i did talk to him and he has played and sort of his self today.
Good for you. Buggs will heal much faster than you and he will help you with Buddy. I'm sorry for your loss. If you are on Facebook come visit my group and tell us about Buddy. Read my book if you can for I will bring Buddy to you for healing too. Love, Jack
Good for you. Buggs will heal much faster than you and he will help you with Buddy. I'm sorry for your loss. If you are on Facebook come visit my group and tell us about Buddy. Read my book if you can for I will bring Buddy to you for healing too. Love, Jack
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