We've Only Just Begun

We've Only Just Begun
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...But How Do I Let Go of You?

Q: How do you know when to cut the leash so that they can run free and have fun?
A: When you no longer feel the need to cling to them.

Q: How do you know when you are no longer clinging to them? 
A: You are no longer clinging to them when you no longer have pain over them. 
When you no longer allow yourself to suffer. 
When you have peace and you can smile when you think of them. 
When you have accepted that they are now living in another dimension,  but living nonetheless.  
You can still miss them, you can still have tender tears,  but it's the pain and suffering about it that must be severed from your being.  
The pain and the suffering weave together to create the leash.

Q: How do I cut the leash? 

A: Read my book. It will guide you every step of the way and it will free both of you. 

"Jack McAfghan: Reflections on Life with my Master" is now On Sale on Amazon.  Always available on Kindle for 2.99. Click HERE to order Jack today and let him bring your best friend back to you for healing. Our story is your story too.  

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"Jack McAfghan: Reflections on Life with my Master" by Kate McGahan

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