We've Only Just Begun

We've Only Just Begun
More Books Beyond Our Trilogy : We'll Be Filling All These Bookshelves!


So Do Pets Go To Heaven or Not???

Dear Jack (I can't believe I am writing a letter to a dog):
No animal goes to heaven. St. Thomas stated and the Church approves: "The soul of an animal after death returns to the potency of matter." Anything contrary is simply fiction and nonsense.
Anon E Mouse

Dear Anon, 
Now that I am in Heaven, I join the common mind which knows Everything.  That said, since you are a doubter (much like the St.Thomas who you refer to in your note to me), I will provide a link to a reputable source to reveal the Truth. As an apostle of Jesus Christ, St. Thomas was transformed from doubter to believer. Click here to read more about that.  

I also would like to clarify that we do not "live" at Rainbow Bridge. A lot of people think we do. Rainbow Bridge is just the passageway by which we reach the Other Side. The other side is Heaven.  We cross the Bridge and we wait for you on the other side. When it's your time to cross the bridge into Heaven, we are the first ones waiting at the edge of Rainbow Bridge to greet you. So yes, we live in Heaven.

But 'How do you know that pets go to Heaven?' you ask. 
How do I know? ...

 I know because The Bible tells me so. 

I know because animals have a soul and souls return to Heaven when they are done experiencing life on earth. 

I know... because animals have eyes in which you can see the entire universe. If Eyes Are The Windows Of The Soul, this is further proof that animals have a soul. 

I know this because Pope Francis (like his beloved namesake, St. Francis) tells me so. 

Source: ABC Nightly News and Google Images. 

I KNOW. I mostly know because I know where I am. I am there. I am Here. I am in Heaven. I am in Life Everlasting. I AM Life Everlasting. We all are.

"Life goes on and something is always turning into something else. I now know this for sure: Love is all there is and love never dies. Love is energy and energy does not die; it cannot die. Einstein would tell you that it is a proven scientific fact. If it’s energy, it must live, although sometimes it changes form.

Love does not sleep. I am not dead. I am awake."
("Jack McAfghan: Reflections on Life with my Master" Chapter 66)

Now Kate knows -- without a doubt-- because she wrote my book and she never planned on writing it. She never planned on my reaching out to her to give her a message to give the rest of the grieving doubting world. 

I know because I know.


Pearl said...

Thank you, Jack! I love you!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jack for always making me cry with love in my heart for you and Kate and all the good work you do. You make a great team. I'm proud to call you my true friend and mentor. I love you with all my heart.

Mandy Britton said...

Thank you, Kate! That was so much better than the angry, inappropriate response I would have had....I speak without thinking a lot....and if I had seen this that's what I would have done I am sure....

Jack McAfghan said...

My friend Pearl, always there to offer praise to those who offer Praise. Thank you!

Jack McAfghan said...

You are a very good student Denise. Your tears fall because they know the truth. You learn from us, we learn from you. Love and learning make the world go round. Xo

Jack McAfghan said...

Thank you Mandy. It's easy for me. I live in a place where only love exists. I can see the facts and answer with love. We hope our friends on earth can keep learning how to do this too. It's the only way to keep peace in your world and in your heart. Thank you for writing to me!